After a wild day at the BC Legislature, we’re all wondering what on earth will go down today. We know Speaker Darryl Plecas will meet with his second special advisor today. Wally Oppal was appointed yesterday. We don’t even know what the first special advisor will do/who they are. Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief Keith Baldrey joins us to discuss what we know about the situation so far…


The legislature erupted into chaos. Reporters confronted Speaker Darryl Plecas in the hallways.


But, that never happened. Rather, at 2pm, Plecas disappeared down a hallway and instead his assistant, the professional mystery man at the centre of all of this, Allen Mullen, emerged to read a statement:


Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

After a wild day at the BC Legislature, we’re all wondering what on earth will go down today. We know Speaker Darryl Plecas will meet with his second special advisor today. Wally Oppal was appointed yesterday. We don’t even know what the first special advisor will do/who they are. Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief Keith Baldrey joins us to discuss what we know about the situation so far…


The legislature erupted into chaos. Reporters confronted Speaker Darryl Plecas in the hallways.


But, that never happened. Rather, at 2pm, Plecas disappeared down a hallway and instead his assistant, the professional mystery man at the centre of all of this, Allen Mullen, emerged to read a statement:


Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief