Canada's largest crypto-currency exchange is dealing with the fallout from its founder's death. A Halifax court heard yesterday about difficulties accessing 180-million dollars in digital assets believed to be locked in Gerald Cotten's laptop.

The sole director of the trading platform Quadriga C-X was travelling in India December 9th when he died suddenly from Crohn's disease complications. His wife says she has searched their home in Fall River, Nova Scotia and has been unable to find any passwords or business records.(

So how could this have happened, and what regulations should government be considering to avoid something similar happening in future?

Guest: Daniel Fuke

Lawyer at the Fasken Martineau DuMoulin law firm, who advises cryptocurrency companies

Canada's largest crypto-currency exchange is dealing with the fallout from its founder's death. A Halifax court heard yesterday about difficulties accessing 180-million dollars in digital assets believed to be locked in Gerald Cotten's laptop.

The sole director of the trading platform Quadriga C-X was travelling in India December 9th when he died suddenly from Crohn's disease complications. His wife says she has searched their home in Fall River, Nova Scotia and has been unable to find any passwords or business records.(

So how could this have happened, and what regulations should government be considering to avoid something similar happening in future?

Guest: Daniel Fuke

Lawyer at the Fasken Martineau DuMoulin law firm, who advises cryptocurrency companies