He says it's all about getting the 'little things' right. Port Coquitlam's mayor says city cleanliness is important so they've hired someone full time to pick up litter five days a week. It's a new program that mayor Brad West says will make a big difference and it's not costing taxpayers a dime, using money from the existing city budget. One person's been hired to pick up trash in the city all the while watching for problems such as uneven sidewalks and broken streetlights.


Guest: Brad West 

Mayor of Port Coquitlam

He says it's all about getting the 'little things' right. Port Coquitlam's mayor says city cleanliness is important so they've hired someone full time to pick up litter five days a week. It's a new program that mayor Brad West says will make a big difference and it's not costing taxpayers a dime, using money from the existing city budget. One person's been hired to pick up trash in the city all the while watching for problems such as uneven sidewalks and broken streetlights.


Guest: Brad West 

Mayor of Port Coquitlam