This week we heard that CoverGirl Cosmetics is going “cruelty free,” meaning they will not longer allow animal testing on their products. They so far are the largest cosmetics brand to take this stand. In other corporate news, LUSH cosmetics has gifted a $25-thousand dollar grant to Paws for Hope Animal Foundation (based in Maple Ridge). I called up Kathy Powelson (who is the executive director at Paws for Hope) to find out how they’ll use that grant.

In other news...

Experts are predicting a record number of bald eagles in the Harrison Mills area this falls. Tens of thousands of them visit the river each year. Eagles Conservationist David Hancock says that number could get even higher. There is a very high number of pink salmon spawning on the river so that attracts the eagles.

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor

This week we heard that CoverGirl Cosmetics is going “cruelty free,” meaning they will not longer allow animal testing on their products. They so far are the largest cosmetics brand to take this stand. In other corporate news, LUSH cosmetics has gifted a $25-thousand dollar grant to Paws for Hope Animal Foundation (based in Maple Ridge). I called up Kathy Powelson (who is the executive director at Paws for Hope) to find out how they’ll use that grant.

In other news...

Experts are predicting a record number of bald eagles in the Harrison Mills area this falls. Tens of thousands of them visit the river each year. Eagles Conservationist David Hancock says that number could get even higher. There is a very high number of pink salmon spawning on the river so that attracts the eagles.

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor