Today for Pet on the Net we bring you a story that is both tragic and inspirational. This is the story of Poppy. Poppy was a golden retriever and she was a beloved assistance dog who worked at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. I say “was” because Poppy recently passed away.

To pay tribute to the wonderful work that Poppy did, bringing comfort and joy to seriously ill children and their families, we called up Debby from Canuck Place to learn more about this amazing four-legged hero.

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor

Pet lover

Today for Pet on the Net we bring you a story that is both tragic and inspirational. This is the story of Poppy. Poppy was a golden retriever and she was a beloved assistance dog who worked at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. I say “was” because Poppy recently passed away.

To pay tribute to the wonderful work that Poppy did, bringing comfort and joy to seriously ill children and their families, we called up Debby from Canuck Place to learn more about this amazing four-legged hero.

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor

Pet lover