On New Year’s Eve, a story ran in the New York Times from Richmond, exploring the so-called ‘birth tourism’ in the city. The paper reporting, as we have here on CKNW, that non-resident mothers account for one in five births at the Richmond Hospital.

Just before Christmas, Liberal MLA, Jas Johal, announced plans to introduce a petition to the B.C. government to address this. He joins me now…


Guest: Jas Johal

Liberal MLA for Richmond-Queensborough

On New Year’s Eve, a story ran in the New York Times from Richmond, exploring the so-called ‘birth tourism’ in the city. The paper reporting, as we have here on CKNW, that non-resident mothers account for one in five births at the Richmond Hospital.

Just before Christmas, Liberal MLA, Jas Johal, announced plans to introduce a petition to the B.C. government to address this. He joins me now…


Guest: Jas Johal

Liberal MLA for Richmond-Queensborough