Nova Scotia could adopt presumed consent for organ donations, becoming the first Canadian province to do so. Premier Stephen McNeil introduced the bill in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.

Instead of requiring forms to be filled out to donate organs, there will be presumed consent for all Nova Scotians. Legislation to implement Systems of presumed consent have already been passed by governments around the world.

 In 2020 the law for organ donation in England will change to become an ‘opt out’ or ‘deemed consent’ system. This means all adults in England will be considered to have consented to be an organ donor when they die unless they have added their details to the NHS Organ Donor Register to say that they do not wish to donate their organs, or they are in one of the excluded groups.

Why is Nova Scotia considering a system of presumed consent for organ donation? The idea has sparked a significant amount of backlash, so how are health officials working to address those concerns?

Guest: Dr. Stephen Beed

Medical Director for Nova Scotia's Organ Donation Program

Nova Scotia could adopt presumed consent for organ donations, becoming the first Canadian province to do so. Premier Stephen McNeil introduced the bill in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.

Instead of requiring forms to be filled out to donate organs, there will be presumed consent for all Nova Scotians. Legislation to implement Systems of presumed consent have already been passed by governments around the world.

 In 2020 the law for organ donation in England will change to become an ‘opt out’ or ‘deemed consent’ system. This means all adults in England will be considered to have consented to be an organ donor when they die unless they have added their details to the NHS Organ Donor Register to say that they do not wish to donate their organs, or they are in one of the excluded groups.

Why is Nova Scotia considering a system of presumed consent for organ donation? The idea has sparked a significant amount of backlash, so how are health officials working to address those concerns?

Guest: Dr. Stephen Beed

Medical Director for Nova Scotia's Organ Donation Program