The Canadian government is unrolling new rules that will require anyone flying a drone in Canada will have to pass an online exam and get a pilot's certificate.  

The new rules will require operators to register their drones and mark them with the registration number.  A minimum age limit of 14 for basic operations and 16 for advanced will be introduced.  Pilots will have to keep their aircraft below 122 metres above ground level and stay away from air traffic.  The new rules, which cover drones weighing between 250 grams and 25 kilograms, come into effect June 1st.

Transport Minister Marc Garneau says drones can pose a serious risk to aircraft and people and anyone who flies one has the responsibility to follow the rules.


Guest: Mark Aruja

Chair of Unmanned Systems Canada

The Canadian government is unrolling new rules that will require anyone flying a drone in Canada will have to pass an online exam and get a pilot's certificate.  

The new rules will require operators to register their drones and mark them with the registration number.  A minimum age limit of 14 for basic operations and 16 for advanced will be introduced.  Pilots will have to keep their aircraft below 122 metres above ground level and stay away from air traffic.  The new rules, which cover drones weighing between 250 grams and 25 kilograms, come into effect June 1st.

Transport Minister Marc Garneau says drones can pose a serious risk to aircraft and people and anyone who flies one has the responsibility to follow the rules.


Guest: Mark Aruja

Chair of Unmanned Systems Canada