Premier John Horgan has announced his government has approved the business plan for the new St. Paul's Hospital on the False Creek Flats on the east side of downtown Vancouver.

He says the new facility on Station Street on the east side of downtown Vancouver will open in 2026, 7 years from now.

The overall cost of the project is estimated to be $1.9-billion. The relocation was first announced four years ago by the former Liberal government.

Guest: Richard Zussman

 Global News Online Legislative Reporter

Premier John Horgan has announced his government has approved the business plan for the new St. Paul's Hospital on the False Creek Flats on the east side of downtown Vancouver.

He says the new facility on Station Street on the east side of downtown Vancouver will open in 2026, 7 years from now.

The overall cost of the project is estimated to be $1.9-billion. The relocation was first announced four years ago by the former Liberal government.

Guest: Richard Zussman

 Global News Online Legislative Reporter