5000 unionized bus drivers, Seabus attendants, and maintenance workers at the Coast Mountain Bus Company have voted 99% in favor of strike action. However, contract talks resume next week. They've been without a contract since March 31st, and are demanding higher wages, benefits, and working condition improvements. Before any job action takes place, the union must give the employer and the public 72-hour strike notice.


Guest: Gavin McGarrigle

Unifor Western Regional Director

5000 unionized bus drivers, Seabus attendants, and maintenance workers at the Coast Mountain Bus Company have voted 99% in favor of strike action. However, contract talks resume next week. They've been without a contract since March 31st, and are demanding higher wages, benefits, and working condition improvements. Before any job action takes place, the union must give the employer and the public 72-hour strike notice.


Guest: Gavin McGarrigle

Unifor Western Regional Director