A Surrey city councillor says he's having trouble sleeping because of the violence in his city. This, after the mayor said the same a few weeks ago.

Both feel change is coming if a new municipal police force is approved by the province.

Key to all of this is a report by the City on the creation of the Surrey Police Department that was to have been completed by today.

Mayor Doug McCallum says that report should be on the desk of Solicitor General Mike Farnworth soon.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter

A Surrey city councillor says he's having trouble sleeping because of the violence in his city. This, after the mayor said the same a few weeks ago.

Both feel change is coming if a new municipal police force is approved by the province.

Key to all of this is a report by the City on the creation of the Surrey Police Department that was to have been completed by today.

Mayor Doug McCallum says that report should be on the desk of Solicitor General Mike Farnworth soon.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter