The Liberal government is moving on its plan to expedite the pardon process and waive the fee for Canadians who were convicted of pot possession before the drug was legalized last fall.

Bill Blair says an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 Canadians are eligible to apply for an expedited pardon. A Parole Board of Canada website will handle applications, and will have full instructions 'shortly’.

Guest: Kirk Tousaw

Vancouver lawyer and cannabis advocate

Consultant with Canopy Growth Corporation

The Liberal government is moving on its plan to expedite the pardon process and waive the fee for Canadians who were convicted of pot possession before the drug was legalized last fall.

Bill Blair says an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 Canadians are eligible to apply for an expedited pardon. A Parole Board of Canada website will handle applications, and will have full instructions 'shortly’.

Guest: Kirk Tousaw

Vancouver lawyer and cannabis advocate

Consultant with Canopy Growth Corporation