Never a dull day in BC politics… Yesterday, Karen Wang announced she was stepping down as the Liberals candidate in the federal byelection in Burnaby South. That was after the StarMetro Vancouver reported that she had published a social media post, appealing for votes because she was Chinese, while pointing out that Jagmeet Singh is “of Indian descent”.

This morning we’ve learned that Karen Wang wants a second chance - but the Liberal Party says it is rejecting her request.

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

Never a dull day in BC politics… Yesterday, Karen Wang announced she was stepping down as the Liberals candidate in the federal byelection in Burnaby South. That was after the StarMetro Vancouver reported that she had published a social media post, appealing for votes because she was Chinese, while pointing out that Jagmeet Singh is “of Indian descent”.

This morning we’ve learned that Karen Wang wants a second chance - but the Liberal Party says it is rejecting her request.

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief