An EU official who has access to information about the Brexit talks says the major issue blocking a deal - how to handle the Irish border - is close to being resolved.

Negotiators from the European Union and Britain are scrambling at talks in Brussels to craft a deal so the U.K. can leave the bloc as scheduled on October 31st, with a Brexit deal in place.

Guest: Gavan Reilly

Political correspondent for Virgin Media Television in Ireland

You can follow him on Twitter: @gavreilly

An EU official who has access to information about the Brexit talks says the major issue blocking a deal - how to handle the Irish border - is close to being resolved.

Negotiators from the European Union and Britain are scrambling at talks in Brussels to craft a deal so the U.K. can leave the bloc as scheduled on October 31st, with a Brexit deal in place.

Guest: Gavan Reilly

Political correspondent for Virgin Media Television in Ireland

You can follow him on Twitter: @gavreilly