A paper based on research from around the globe concludes that human beings have radically reshaped evolution for everything from birds to fish to plants. Sarah Otto from the University of British Columbia says people are trimming and pruning the entire tree of life.

The paper says birds are evolving smaller, more manoeuvrable wings to help them dodge buildings and vehicles. Fish are developing mouths too small for hooks.  Large animals are becoming extinct everywhere on the planet. Otto says it's wrong to believe evolution always takes eons _ changes can show up within years. She says human-driven changes are narrowing the options for species to respond to future environmental pressures.

Guest: Sally Otto

Author of the paper

Professor of zoology at UBC

director of the Liberero (liber-arrow) Conservation Program

A paper based on research from around the globe concludes that human beings have radically reshaped evolution for everything from birds to fish to plants. Sarah Otto from the University of British Columbia says people are trimming and pruning the entire tree of life.

The paper says birds are evolving smaller, more manoeuvrable wings to help them dodge buildings and vehicles. Fish are developing mouths too small for hooks.  Large animals are becoming extinct everywhere on the planet. Otto says it's wrong to believe evolution always takes eons _ changes can show up within years. She says human-driven changes are narrowing the options for species to respond to future environmental pressures.

Guest: Sally Otto

Author of the paper

Professor of zoology at UBC

director of the Liberero (liber-arrow) Conservation Program