There’s lots of misinformation, and rumours, and falsehoods that get spread on the internet like wildfire.

So how do you spot it? How do you sort the fake from the real? Well the Canadian Journalism Foundation has some advice today for the public - and a new tool that’s here to help.

Natalie Turvey is the President and Executive Director of the Canadian Journalism Foundation. She joins me now to tell me more.

Guest: Natalie Turvey

President and Executive Director, The Canadian Journalism Foundation

There’s lots of misinformation, and rumours, and falsehoods that get spread on the internet like wildfire.

So how do you spot it? How do you sort the fake from the real? Well the Canadian Journalism Foundation has some advice today for the public - and a new tool that’s here to help.

Natalie Turvey is the President and Executive Director of the Canadian Journalism Foundation. She joins me now to tell me more.

Guest: Natalie Turvey

President and Executive Director, The Canadian Journalism Foundation