Protests at Hong Kong's airport are leading to a second day of travel disruption.

The protests began more than two months ago against a Chinese extradition bill and have expanded into calls for democratic reforms.

Analysts say the disruption could make foreign investors think twice about setting up shop in Hong Kong, which has long prided itself as being Asia's leading business city with convenient air links for executives travelling across the region

Joshua Wong is a Hong Kong student activist and politician. He serves as secretary-general of pro-democracy party Demosisto. He spoke to The Shift with Drex overnight, and says Canada needs to stand with the protestors.

Just before I came on air I put that point to Charles Burton - who served as a two-time Canadian diplomat in China. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Charles Burton

Brock University Professor, and two time former Canadian diplomat in China

Protests at Hong Kong's airport are leading to a second day of travel disruption.

The protests began more than two months ago against a Chinese extradition bill and have expanded into calls for democratic reforms.

Analysts say the disruption could make foreign investors think twice about setting up shop in Hong Kong, which has long prided itself as being Asia's leading business city with convenient air links for executives travelling across the region

Joshua Wong is a Hong Kong student activist and politician. He serves as secretary-general of pro-democracy party Demosisto. He spoke to The Shift with Drex overnight, and says Canada needs to stand with the protestors.

Just before I came on air I put that point to Charles Burton - who served as a two-time Canadian diplomat in China. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Charles Burton

Brock University Professor, and two time former Canadian diplomat in China