Are you seeing a lot of people wearing plaid today? Well, wonder no more… it’s because it’s Plaid for Dad day today.

It’s an annual campaign to encourage people to wear plaid, to promote awareness of screening for prostate cancer. With fathers’ day coming up over the weekend, it’s a good time to remind ourselves of how men can be proactive and take better care of their health.

Guest: Robin Speer

Prostate Cancer Canada ambassador

Are you seeing a lot of people wearing plaid today? Well, wonder no more… it’s because it’s Plaid for Dad day today.

It’s an annual campaign to encourage people to wear plaid, to promote awareness of screening for prostate cancer. With fathers’ day coming up over the weekend, it’s a good time to remind ourselves of how men can be proactive and take better care of their health.

Guest: Robin Speer

Prostate Cancer Canada ambassador