A second person in the United States has died after developing a severe lung illness that is believed to be linked to vaping, as health officials continue to grapple with the dangers of e-cigarette use and the exact cause of the deaths. The victim, whose name and age was not made public, died in Oregon in July after using an e-cigarette or vaping device that contained marijuana, according to the state’s Health Authority.

Health Canada says people who vape should get medical attention right away if they're worried their electronic cigarettes are harming them.  The federal department says there is no sign in Canada of an affliction reported in as many as 25 American states that seems to be linked to vaping, but it is monitoring the situation.

Similar to other provinces, vaping has taken off in B.C. with several shops in every municipality. How concerned is B.C.’s provincial health officer about the health concerns associated with vaping? 

Guest: Dr. Bonnie Henry 

BC Provincial Health Officer

A second person in the United States has died after developing a severe lung illness that is believed to be linked to vaping, as health officials continue to grapple with the dangers of e-cigarette use and the exact cause of the deaths. The victim, whose name and age was not made public, died in Oregon in July after using an e-cigarette or vaping device that contained marijuana, according to the state’s Health Authority.

Health Canada says people who vape should get medical attention right away if they're worried their electronic cigarettes are harming them.  The federal department says there is no sign in Canada of an affliction reported in as many as 25 American states that seems to be linked to vaping, but it is monitoring the situation.

Similar to other provinces, vaping has taken off in B.C. with several shops in every municipality. How concerned is B.C.’s provincial health officer about the health concerns associated with vaping? 

Guest: Dr. Bonnie Henry 

BC Provincial Health Officer