Don't worry no spoilers here.

But if you watched last night's Game of Thrones, did you think that the episode was a little... dark?

Did you mess around with the settings on your TV to try and see if you could make the picture brighter and figure out what was going on?

Well, you weren't alone. It turns out, last night's episode - and especially the first half of the episode - was confusing for a lot of viewers.

Guest: Chris Jancelewicz

Global News Entertainment Editor

Don't worry no spoilers here.

But if you watched last night's Game of Thrones, did you think that the episode was a little... dark?

Did you mess around with the settings on your TV to try and see if you could make the picture brighter and figure out what was going on?

Well, you weren't alone. It turns out, last night's episode - and especially the first half of the episode - was confusing for a lot of viewers.

Guest: Chris Jancelewicz

Global News Entertainment Editor