The federal government says it's committing $5.3 million to understand prevent, and disrupt guns and gang violence in the province. Here is Bill Blair,  Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, making the announcement in Victoria this past hour...

B.C.'s Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth says the money will be spread among different programs including schools and policing to take bold action against what he calls the provinces 'unique gang culture'.

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter

The federal government says it's committing $5.3 million to understand prevent, and disrupt guns and gang violence in the province. Here is Bill Blair,  Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, making the announcement in Victoria this past hour...

B.C.'s Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth says the money will be spread among different programs including schools and policing to take bold action against what he calls the provinces 'unique gang culture'.

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter