British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, says there must be an election so the British public can decide whether to leave the European Union on October 31st, or remain in the EU for longer.


He’s been telling reporters today that there’s no other way to end the Brexit chaos.


The House of Commons yesterday rejected his attempt to call an early election next month. There were also moves to stop Johnson from taking Britain out of the EU at the end of October even if there is no deal with Brussels to pave the way.


Johnson says he would "rather be dead in a ditch" than go back to the EU to ask for another Brexit delay.


Here’s how Boris Johnson’s week has been going:

- He’s lost every vote in parliament

- He’s lost control of the Brexit process

- He’s lost his bid for an early election

- He’s lost his majority in the House of Commons

- And he’s lost 23 MPs - including two former Finance Minister, Winston Churchill’s grandson, and today, his own brother.


He was asked about his brother’s resignation today. His brother’s name is Jo, and he talks about him in this clip.

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, says there must be an election so the British public can decide whether to leave the European Union on October 31st, or remain in the EU for longer.


He’s been telling reporters today that there’s no other way to end the Brexit chaos.


The House of Commons yesterday rejected his attempt to call an early election next month. There were also moves to stop Johnson from taking Britain out of the EU at the end of October even if there is no deal with Brussels to pave the way.


Johnson says he would "rather be dead in a ditch" than go back to the EU to ask for another Brexit delay.


Here’s how Boris Johnson’s week has been going:

- He’s lost every vote in parliament

- He’s lost control of the Brexit process

- He’s lost his bid for an early election

- He’s lost his majority in the House of Commons

- And he’s lost 23 MPs - including two former Finance Minister, Winston Churchill’s grandson, and today, his own brother.


He was asked about his brother’s resignation today. His brother’s name is Jo, and he talks about him in this clip.