Scientists are warning some salmon runs in B.C.’s Fraser River could disappear completely, as a landslide that came down a year ago continues to block a critical fish migration route.

In a presentation to the Pacific Salmon Commission last month, Fisheries and Oceans Canada scientists said there is a “meaningful chance of extinction” for three salmon runs due to the Big bar landslide: the early Stuart sockeye and the Mid-Fraser and Upper Fraser spring 1.3 chinook populations.


Guest: Dean Werk

President of the Fraser Valley Salmon Society

Scientists are warning some salmon runs in B.C.’s Fraser River could disappear completely, as a landslide that came down a year ago continues to block a critical fish migration route.

In a presentation to the Pacific Salmon Commission last month, Fisheries and Oceans Canada scientists said there is a “meaningful chance of extinction” for three salmon runs due to the Big bar landslide: the early Stuart sockeye and the Mid-Fraser and Upper Fraser spring 1.3 chinook populations.


Guest: Dean Werk

President of the Fraser Valley Salmon Society