"Soren Gantt is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of British Columbia, and Director of Clinical Research at the BC Children's Hospital Research Institute. He has a strong clinical interest in CMV, caring for congenitally-infected infants as well as pediatric transplant patients with CMV-related disease. Dr. Gantt established the first targeted congenital CMV screening program in Canada, and directs studies aimed determining the optimal strategies and diagnostic assays for newborn screening for CMV. His academic interests include a broad range of CMV topics, including the virologic determinants of transmission, immune correlates of protection against infection and reinfection, and the development of preventive CMV vaccines.


Guest: DR. Soren Gantt

Director of Clinical Research at B.C. Children’s Hospital

"Soren Gantt is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of British Columbia, and Director of Clinical Research at the BC Children's Hospital Research Institute. He has a strong clinical interest in CMV, caring for congenitally-infected infants as well as pediatric transplant patients with CMV-related disease. Dr. Gantt established the first targeted congenital CMV screening program in Canada, and directs studies aimed determining the optimal strategies and diagnostic assays for newborn screening for CMV. His academic interests include a broad range of CMV topics, including the virologic determinants of transmission, immune correlates of protection against infection and reinfection, and the development of preventive CMV vaccines.


Guest: DR. Soren Gantt

Director of Clinical Research at B.C. Children’s Hospital