BC's Auditor General has found weaknesses and gaps in how Legislature spending is dealt with. This comes after an audit was launched following Speaker Darryl Plecas' investigation. No specific travel policy. Travel expenses made with no supported purpose of travel. Purchases made without proper approvals. All issues Auditor General Carol Bellringer has found with expenses at the B.C. legislature.

However, Vancouver Sun columnist Vaughn Palmer found a discrepancy in the reporting on the expenses of the Sergeant-at- Arms and the Clerk compared to the expenses of the Speaker. Here is a clip from the press conference this morning… 

Guest: Vaughn Palmer 

Vancouver Sun

BC's Auditor General has found weaknesses and gaps in how Legislature spending is dealt with. This comes after an audit was launched following Speaker Darryl Plecas' investigation. No specific travel policy. Travel expenses made with no supported purpose of travel. Purchases made without proper approvals. All issues Auditor General Carol Bellringer has found with expenses at the B.C. legislature.

However, Vancouver Sun columnist Vaughn Palmer found a discrepancy in the reporting on the expenses of the Sergeant-at- Arms and the Clerk compared to the expenses of the Speaker. Here is a clip from the press conference this morning… 

Guest: Vaughn Palmer 

Vancouver Sun