U.S. President Donald Trump has touched down in Hanoi, Vietnam ahead of a meeting  with North Korean President Kim Jong Un. The summit, which is due to take place on Wednesday and Thursday, follows a historic first round of talks in Singapore last year. The two leaders are expected to discuss progress towards ridding the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons. One issue that is not on the agenda? Human rights. A recent UN Commission of Inquiry Report on human rights in North Korea found that people in North Korea live under severe oppression. The UN found evidence of concentration camps, famine deaths, rampant sexual violence, and no freedom of speech or religion. Why is President Donald Trump not addressing these human rights violations during his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un?

Guest: Lindsay Lloyd

Director of the Human Freedom Initiative at the George W. Bush Institute

U.S. President Donald Trump has touched down in Hanoi, Vietnam ahead of a meeting  with North Korean President Kim Jong Un. The summit, which is due to take place on Wednesday and Thursday, follows a historic first round of talks in Singapore last year. The two leaders are expected to discuss progress towards ridding the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons. One issue that is not on the agenda? Human rights. A recent UN Commission of Inquiry Report on human rights in North Korea found that people in North Korea live under severe oppression. The UN found evidence of concentration camps, famine deaths, rampant sexual violence, and no freedom of speech or religion. Why is President Donald Trump not addressing these human rights violations during his historic meeting with Kim Jong Un?

Guest: Lindsay Lloyd

Director of the Human Freedom Initiative at the George W. Bush Institute