It’s been a tough week for Alberta’s United Conservative Party leader Jason Kenney as the provincial election draws closer. After a troubling piece of audio of UCP candidate Mark Smith surfaced this week, the party is standing by Smith despite calls to fire him.

Smith can also be heard making comments against abortion, questioning how anyone who has an abortion could say it’s done out of love.

Last night, in an interview with Global News Radio’s Charles Adler, he doubled down on his support for Smith, saying that he has no plans to fire him. He added that Smith has since apologized for the comments, and that controversies like this are a “smear job” against the party. He says he’s “proud of the candidates that are representing the UCP”.

Guest: Gary Mason

Columnist with the Globe and Mail

It’s been a tough week for Alberta’s United Conservative Party leader Jason Kenney as the provincial election draws closer. After a troubling piece of audio of UCP candidate Mark Smith surfaced this week, the party is standing by Smith despite calls to fire him.

Smith can also be heard making comments against abortion, questioning how anyone who has an abortion could say it’s done out of love.

Last night, in an interview with Global News Radio’s Charles Adler, he doubled down on his support for Smith, saying that he has no plans to fire him. He added that Smith has since apologized for the comments, and that controversies like this are a “smear job” against the party. He says he’s “proud of the candidates that are representing the UCP”.

Guest: Gary Mason

Columnist with the Globe and Mail