In the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why, 17-year-old Hannah kills herself in a scene that shows her suicide. Following the show’s release, researchers raised concerns about the possibility that it could lead to suicide contagion, in which explicit depictions of self-harm can lead people to copy the method.

 Now, a study of suicide rates among children in the US between the ages of 10 and 17 has found a 28.9 per cent rise in April 2017, the month after the show was released.

 Guest: Dr Lisa Horowitz

Staff Scientist and pediatric Psychologist at the National Institute of Mental Health in the US

In the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why, 17-year-old Hannah kills herself in a scene that shows her suicide. Following the show’s release, researchers raised concerns about the possibility that it could lead to suicide contagion, in which explicit depictions of self-harm can lead people to copy the method.

 Now, a study of suicide rates among children in the US between the ages of 10 and 17 has found a 28.9 per cent rise in April 2017, the month after the show was released.

 Guest: Dr Lisa Horowitz

Staff Scientist and pediatric Psychologist at the National Institute of Mental Health in the US