British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, says his huge majority in Parliament means he now has a solid chance of getting the UK out of the European Union by the scheduled date of January 31st.

Johnson's call to “get Brexit done” proved more appealing to voters than the Labour party's approach, which raised the prospect of yet more delay in the already slow Brexit process.

Labour will seek a new leader after a period of “reflection”, after crushing losses in working class districts in north and central England. 


Guest: Sean Simpson

Vice President of Public Affairs, Ipsos

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, says his huge majority in Parliament means he now has a solid chance of getting the UK out of the European Union by the scheduled date of January 31st.

Johnson's call to “get Brexit done” proved more appealing to voters than the Labour party's approach, which raised the prospect of yet more delay in the already slow Brexit process.

Labour will seek a new leader after a period of “reflection”, after crushing losses in working class districts in north and central England. 


Guest: Sean Simpson

Vice President of Public Affairs, Ipsos