INTERVIEW - MARK KRIKORIAN - Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies
- Trump says he will sign order to provide road to citizenship for 'Dreamers'
- Video: President Trump tells Telemundo’s @jdbalart he will sign an executive order on immigration that will include DACA in the coming weeks. #mtpdaily Trump: “One of the aspects of the bill is going to be DACA. We are going to have a road to citizenship.”
- TED CRUZ: There is ZERO constitutional authority for a President to create a “road to citizenship” by executive fiat. It was unconstitutional when Obama issued executive amnesty, and it would be a HUGE mistake if Trump tries to illegally expand amnesty. #TellTheSwampNO #RuleOfLaw
- Trump's planned order on 'dreamers' will not include amnesty, White House says

INTERVIEW - MARK KRIKORIAN - Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies
- Trump says he will sign order to provide road to citizenship for 'Dreamers'
- Video: President Trump tells Telemundo’s @jdbalart he will sign an executive order on immigration that will include DACA in the coming weeks. #mtpdaily Trump: “One of the aspects of the bill is going to be DACA. We are going to have a road to citizenship.”
- TED CRUZ: There is ZERO constitutional authority for a President to create a “road to citizenship” by executive fiat. It was unconstitutional when Obama issued executive amnesty, and it would be a HUGE mistake if Trump tries to illegally expand amnesty. #TellTheSwampNO #RuleOfLaw
- Trump's planned order on 'dreamers' will not include amnesty, White House says

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