INTERVIEW - Jeanine Lawson - Supervisor, Brentsville District on the Prince William Board of County Supervisors -- previewed the important Second Amendment meeting for the Prince William Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

A new board of supervisors in Prince William County means a new take on proposed gun reforms.
From: "Lawson, Jeanine M." / Sent: Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 1:50 PM // Subject: Important 2A Jan 7 news: Citizens Time to speak ONLY at 2 pm. // Friends: Important:  The ONLY opportunity for citizens to address Chairwoman Wheeler's Second Amendment resolution will be at the AFTERNOON session Citizen's Time on Tuesday, January 7 at 2 pm .  The vote will also be in the afternoon session.   The previous information that citizens would be able to address the Board in the evening is incorrect.  The evening meeting is for closed session matters.   I am encouraging citizens to please consider attending in person at 2 pm to speak your thoughts and concerns about this proposal.  I have attached the resolution. You can contact all the Supervisors and the Chairwoman via email as well:  [email protected] / Tuesday, January 7 at 2 pm -- 1 County Complex Ct. Prince William County Link to agenda: / Regards, Jeanine Lawson Supervisor, Brentsville District, Prince William Board of County Supervisors