INTERVIEW - FATHER FRANK PAVONE - National Director of Priests for Life - responded to FX’s documentary "AKA Jane Roe": 
Norma McCorvey Reveals In ‘AKA Jane Roe’ She Was Paid To Turn Pro-Life, Admits It Was All An Act. In FX’s first documentary AKA Jane Roe, the real-life Norma McCorvey, who was known as plaintiff “Jane Roe” in the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case, tells us that what she said in the feature is her “deathbed confession”. During the docu, she dropped a bomb, confessing that she went from pro-choice to pro-life because she was paid. In one jaw-dropping part of the Nick Sweeney-directed docu, McCorvey, who was interviewed a few months before her death in 2017 was asked if she was being used as a trophy by anti-abortion groups. “I was the big fish,” she admitted. “I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they’d put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. That’s what I’d say." She gave an example of what she was told to say as the “former Jane Roe,” then she admitted it was all an act. “I did it well too. I am a good actress,” McCorvey said in the docu as people watched the footage in shock. (Deadline link)\
Father Frank Pavone was quick to reject the notion that McCorvey was lying about being pro-life. “So #abortion supporters are claiming Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe v Wade, wasn’t sincere in her conversion,” Father Pavone posted to Twitter, Tuesday afternoon. “She was[.] I was her spiritual guide for 22 years, received her into the Catholic Church, kept regular contact, spoke w her the day she died, & conducted her funeral.” “One would think that any normal or honest person who wants to understand the journey of Norma McCorvey would talk with those who journeyed with her,” the priest further explained to LifeNews. “I knew her and was one of her key spiritual guides for 22 years, starting in 1995 with her baptism, right through the conversation we had on the day she died. Yes, she not only rejected abortion, but she became a new creation in Christ. I received her into the Catholic Church and rejoiced together with her as she discovered day by day the joy of prayer, and in her final years made rosaries by hand to help others experience that same joy. Her desire to protect children in the womb was no act.” “I was privileged to lead and preach at her funeral. I knew her struggles and her pain. She didn’t just have positions; she had deep wounds because of her involvement with Roe vs. Wade, and I guided her through the healing of those wounds, in the quiet hours of struggle that nobody saw or heard about,” he continued. “Those are things you don’t fake.” “There have always been people who have tried to re-shape her story, or get her to reshape it,” Father Pavone added. “She resented that and would resent it today. Norma was not somebody you could come to know in a snapshot, in an interview, or even in years of interviews. I’ll have a lot more to say about this once I see the documentary.” (Daily Wire link)

INTERVIEW - FATHER FRANK PAVONE - National Director of Priests for Life - responded to FX’s documentary "AKA Jane Roe": 

Norma McCorvey Reveals In ‘AKA Jane Roe’ She Was Paid To Turn Pro-Life, Admits It Was All An Act. In FX’s first documentary AKA Jane Roe, the real-life Norma McCorvey, who was known as plaintiff “Jane Roe” in the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case, tells us that what she said in the feature is her “deathbed confession”. During the docu, she dropped a bomb, confessing that she went from pro-choice to pro-life because she was paid. In one jaw-dropping part of the Nick Sweeney-directed docu, McCorvey, who was interviewed a few months before her death in 2017 was asked if she was being used as a trophy by anti-abortion groups. “I was the big fish,” she admitted. “I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they’d put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. That’s what I’d say." She gave an example of what she was told to say as the “former Jane Roe,” then she admitted it was all an act. “I did it well too. I am a good actress,” McCorvey said in the docu as people watched the footage in shock. (Deadline link)\
Father Frank Pavone was quick to reject the notion that McCorvey was lying about being pro-life. “So #abortion supporters are claiming Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe v Wade, wasn’t sincere in her conversion,” Father Pavone posted to Twitter, Tuesday afternoon. “She was[.] I was her spiritual guide for 22 years, received her into the Catholic Church, kept regular contact, spoke w her the day she died, & conducted her funeral.” “One would think that any normal or honest person who wants to understand the journey of Norma McCorvey would talk with those who journeyed with her,” the priest further explained to LifeNews. “I knew her and was one of her key spiritual guides for 22 years, starting in 1995 with her baptism, right through the conversation we had on the day she died. Yes, she not only rejected abortion, but she became a new creation in Christ. I received her into the Catholic Church and rejoiced together with her as she discovered day by day the joy of prayer, and in her final years made rosaries by hand to help others experience that same joy. Her desire to protect children in the womb was no act.” “I was privileged to lead and preach at her funeral. I knew her struggles and her pain. She didn’t just have positions; she had deep wounds because of her involvement with Roe vs. Wade, and I guided her through the healing of those wounds, in the quiet hours of struggle that nobody saw or heard about,” he continued. “Those are things you don’t fake.” “There have always been people who have tried to re-shape her story, or get her to reshape it,” Father Pavone added. “She resented that and would resent it today. Norma was not somebody you could come to know in a snapshot, in an interview, or even in years of interviews. I’ll have a lot more to say about this once I see the documentary.” (Daily Wire link)