7:05 AM - INTERVIEW - Correspondent Clayton Neville in Houston, TX 

TOPIC: Preview George Floyd's funeral today

*The black man whose death has inspired a worldwide reckoning over racial injustice will be buried today in Houston, carried home in a horse-drawn carriage.  George Floyd, who was 46 when he was killed, will be laid to rest next to his mother. On May 25, as a white Minneapolis officer pressed a knee on Floyd's neck for several minutes, the dying man cried out for his mother.  His funeral will be private.  A public memorial service was held Monday in Houston, where he grew up. Some 6,000 people attended. Under a blazing Texas sun, mourners wearing T-shirts with Floyd's picture waited for hours to pay their respects. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2020-06-09/the-latest-george-floyd-to-be-buried-in-houston

7:05 AM - INTERVIEW - Correspondent Clayton Neville in Houston, TX 

TOPIC: Preview George Floyd's funeral today

*The black man whose death has inspired a worldwide reckoning over racial injustice will be buried today in Houston, carried home in a horse-drawn carriage.  George Floyd, who was 46 when he was killed, will be laid to rest next to his mother. On May 25, as a white Minneapolis officer pressed a knee on Floyd's neck for several minutes, the dying man cried out for his mother.  His funeral will be private.  A public memorial service was held Monday in Houston, where he grew up. Some 6,000 people attended. Under a blazing Texas sun, mourners wearing T-shirts with Floyd's picture waited for hours to pay their respects. https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2020-06-09/the-latest-george-floyd-to-be-buried-in-houston