Mike Volkin is a speaker, a trainer, an Army veteran, and if that’s not enough he’s the author of five bestsellers. Joining the Army three days after 9/11, Mike spent eight years as a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Operations Sergeant. During his service overseas he began to write his books as well as receiving an Army Commendation Medal before coming home to build and sell four companies. These days he’s the owner and Lead Instructor at Freelancer Masterclass, a direction born from Mike’s personal mission to have a life remembered as one that launched ten thousand careers.

In this episode I speak with Mike Volkin and we discuss how in order to learn one thing you often have to learn something else entirely. Like how tennis can make you a better entrepreneur, or why escaping a wildfire can lead you to understanding the importance of creating a personal mission.


We start the episode by talking about how Mike’s love of tennis informed his career as an entrepreneur before delving deep into:

The importance of creating a mission Hacks for fending off distraction as an entrepreneur How Osama Bin Laden made Mike a better marketer The lessons learned from building and selling four companies The struggles of modern freelancers KEY TAKEAWAYS You have to have a reason, a mission, that can inspire and drive you forward. What do you want to be remembered for? Someone who built something, achieved something? Or someone who just worked a job. Focusing on the minutes, the small changes to our daily processes, can have incredible changes in the long-term.

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