Maia Aziz P.S.W., C.L.Y.L., C.H.P., writes and speaks on living a life of love and laughter. President-Elect of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, Maia is joined each week on Morning Moments With Maia...Conversations of Love and Laughter by an eclectic lineup of guests who live their lives with love and laughter and work to help others do the same.   

Vadim Mercurio, QA Operations Manager at VMC and graduate of the International Academy of Design and Technology in Video Game Design and Development does anything but play games in his role as leader, mentor and coach in the workplace.  Understanding that true employee development requires a relationship and that traditional forms of performance management do little to build competence, business or trust, Vadim joins Maia in a conversation about the shortcomings of old-school performance appraisals and how to truly elevate, not just evaluate our most important resources, our human resources.