Maia Aziz P.S.W., C.L.Y.L., C.H.P., writes and speaks on living a life of love and laughter. President-Elect of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, Maia is joined each week on Morning Moments With Maia...Conversations of Love and Laughter by an eclectic lineup of guests who live their lives with love and laughter and work to help others do the same.                    

T.J. Jones is a leadership crusader. He has 25 years of experience developing leaders in roles as a teacher, coach, sales executive and Director of Training and Development. With a caring spirit, he has led professionals through multiple corporate acquisitions and change initiatives. From the trenches of the realworld, Jones developed his belief, “caring is the heart of leadership,” the inspiration for his new book The Caring Warrior: Awaken Your Power to Lead, Influence, and Inspire (Advantage Publishing, October 2016). 

As a speaker, Jones helps his corporate clients develop a cultural blueprint where caring leads to trust, engagement, innovation and business performance, helping leaders and teams to collaborate and perform. Jones uses an approach he calls “ActiveCoaching” with coaching clients and teams. He acts as a personal trainer for the mind and heart, helping individuals to own who they are in order to influence and inspire their teams and organizations.