Maia Aziz, Social Worker (PSW) and Certified Humor Professional (CHP) writes and speaks on living a life of love and laughter.  Assistant Administrative Chief of Allied Health Services at the Montreal Children's Hospital, contributing writer to The Positive Psychology People and active member of The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, Maia spends her Sunday mornings sharing 3 of her favorite things with someone who is out there pushing the positive- a fresh cup of coffee, a heartfelt conversation and some spontaneous laughter. These are conversations about love, laughter, leadership and well, life!

A former national track champion, Greg Hunter spent over 25 on the front lines of healthcare, before co-founding ManageUP, a fully-integrated solution to healthcare administration. Manage Up offers a platform for effective performance and organizational culture management and was born from the recognition that healthcare administrators challenges related to performance management issues were having an adverse impact on the very cultures they were trying to improve.