How often do you take the time to truly appreciate good service? Do you show appreciation or do you just expect it as a given? Praise in public, correct in private.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

Alright, let's get right into it. Welcome back to another episode of Morning mindset podcast and we are on I heart radio and iTunes and Stitcher and all those good things. But if for some reason your favorite podcast player is not working that morning or that afternoon you can always go directly to our dedicated website and the dedicated website is and the audio links will be there as well as the show notes and all the other good stuff, and if you'd like to send us a message or ask a question or what have you. You can do so directly from our dedicated website. How easy is that? Super easy, yes indeed.


When is the last time that you took the time to truly appreciate good service? Have you taken that time and have you gotten any good service lately? Have you done business with a company that went above and beyond? Have you eaten at a restaurant or shopped at a store where they went above and beyond the norm to give you good service a good product a good experience. Good service. Do you show your appreciation or do you just expect that as a given you're like, “Well, that's their job, they should be doing it right and I'm not going to thank them for doing their job, right?” You can be that way. It's true.


The fact that matter is we live in a world where unfortunately more people will complain than praise. Unfortunately the fact that that's why that is why when you have a podcast like I do there's a reason why folks like me and all the others that do podcasts and television shows and all that on demand stuff. That will actually ask you we will say if you enjoyed Today's Show, please leave a review. Because unfortunately, the reality is most people if they have a good experience. They just appreciate that experience in their own heart.


They think oh that was a good experience and I'll go back again, but they don't say anything about. But those who feel that they were slighted that they didn't get a good experience somehow that it was a bad experience or they didn't get exactly what they wanted when they wanted it. Well, they'll complain it seems that the only time you hear from people is when they have something to complain about. Now Morning Mindset is all about leading a positive and productive life and one of the ways to lead a positive and productive life is not just to be a complainer.


That's what everyone does that's the easy default to the world people only speak up when they have something negative to say. Do you want to be that person? Do you want to be the person that only speaks up that only says something when they have something bad to say do you ever have anything good to say have you ever taken the time to let someone know even if it's a complete stranger that they did a good job and that you appreciate it. It's also a sign of maturity. It's also a sign of mental maturity for you to thank people that do a good job and genuinely mean it.


We've had a really positive experience. Since we moved to Wyoming since my family moved to Wyoming we move the entire business up here to Wyoming, and the first year we were here we decided that we wanted to give out a Christmas gift baskets to our friends and family members, and we wanted to do something special something, you know from the West something that represented or the west and Wyoming we found a company called the Wyoming Buffalo company or. IO, and my wife it was it was her job. It was her job to come up with with the gift baskets and arrange them and you know, send them out and so forth, and she was having kind of a hard time.


She actually tried several different companies and she got really super frustrated. She was extremely frustrated all she wanted to do was send out gift baskets to our friends and family members and. She found out that she was being led down these click-bait sites or that they were their bait and switch in you know, they would say oh, you know, this gift basket is $29.99 you like what seems like a good deal and then you find out that it's $20 shipping or that that gift basket is a limited thing and the actual one is $49.99 and so on and so.


Well, my wife stumbled across this company called the Wyoming Buffalo Company, and what Wyoming Buffalo does is they send out gift baskets and all kinds of Western Americana type stuff like meat that's right and sauces and salsa and all these there's just too much stuff to mention. Well, they took care of her. The woman she called her up and she said hey, I'm having a hard time. I need some help and she said what can I do for you?


This and she was fantastic and so actually during this year my when it was not Christmas time. My wife sent her a card sent her note said hey, I just wanna let you know that I really appreciate all the effort that you put into helping me for going the extra mile. We had one situation where a gift basket got lost in shipping. It would Som something happened the shippers lost. It didn't send it. What have you and the person that we were sick because we send everyone a heads up or like heads up?


There's a package coming. Let us know when you get it and the person said I never. Received anything and they should have gotten it. So we call the folks. My wife. Did she call the folks at this company Wyoming Buffalo Company and she should arms terribly sorry that that happened and she put together and shipped out a replacement basket that day? Wasn't her fault wasn't the company's fault. It was the shipper's fault because they were morons and they lost it, but that didn't do us any good. Matter of fact she shipped it before we even gave her payment. This Christmas season and all year long. Take the time to let people know when they do a good job.


It's a sign of maturity on your part and it'll probably be a relief on their part because let's face facts most of the time if you have a small business if you work in a restaurant or store or shop, the only time you hear from people is when they have something bad to say do you want to be that person do you want to be the person that only speaks up when they have something negative or bad to say? I hope not that's not what this show is all about.


 I'm not and I'm not saying to ignore, you know, somebody screws up or does something bad or poor you get bad service. I'm not saying to ignore that but don't let that be the only time that you speak up. Somebody goes a good job. Let him know, tell them that you appreciate it. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that is all I have for you for today. Thank you very much for joining me. I am your host Paul Markel and I will talk to you again real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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