How do you know what is really the best? How can you discern quality from the average or the inferior? Experience and education. An 18-year-old Private has no idea if the training he receives is the best, average, or mediocre. The same goes for food, coffee, clothing, gear, etc.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*
Welcome back to Morning Mindset, I am your host Paul Markel and I'm happy to be here speaking into this black carbon steel microphone at you, and we're fastly approach or rapidly, we are rapidly approaching episode #200. Yes, I'm sitting here looking at my show notes thinking man. Is it possible? Can we have almost a 200 episodes already? The answer is Yes.


We're going to talk about identifying quality. How do we learn to identify or recognize quality or appreciate? I guess I should say appreciate quality. This is a topic that I decided to talk about or discuss because I had a recent discussion with a couple of friends and we were talking about this very thing. How is it that some people just don't seem to be able to recognize or appreciate quality and why is that? Sadly, I think many people in our world today have substituted convenience for Quality.


If they can get it quick they can get it fast if they can get it immediately. They'd rather have immediacy or convenience than quality. It's set as a fully grown adult a seasoned and mature adult. It is sad to me to think that there are people who would rather have something that is an inferior product, but have it fast or have it delivered conveniently, than to have to wait for something that is a quality product, and it's not always just that.


Sometimes it's the fact that people don't know any better. For instance, and I've mentioned this before, but I think it bears repeating. When people have no basis in experience, education or training, they really can't identify something that is quality or not. Because they don't know. Let's say, for instance, you take an 18-year-old, an 18-year-old College freshman, right? Super impressionable and part of the reason that they're impressionable is because they deceive themselves into believing that they're geniuses that they're super smart, that they know everything.


Now so an 18-year-old takes a class on you fill in the blank philosophy or what have you, and they come away from that class thinking that that Professor is the smartest person they've ever heard. It's the greatest class on philosophy on human philosophy or psychology or whatever it is. It's the best thing and they're they're just overcome by the geniousity of it and how great they think it is. now is that class actually the. Philosophy or psychology or whatever class was at the best information available where that was that person the best instructor the best professor and you say I don't know was here wasn't he the 18-year-old thinks he was, but why does the 18-year-old think?


Because they have nothing to compare it to it's their first ever experience with that thing, and so they have nothing to compare it to. They have no idea whether it was the best available or mediocre or the worst. There are P. I like to you know, I use the phrase that life is too short to drink bad coffee. I will not deliberately drink bad coffee. Now it's not because I knew coming out of the out of the womb in the Cradle. What good coffee was I learned over time? That's right. I went and experience it for myself.


I tried out all kinds of different coffees and I educated myself and after educating myself and gaining lots and lots of experience. I was able to determine. What at least to me is a quality product, and it doesn't matter whether its food or clothing or gear or coffee or what have you many times people settle for mediocre or average and it's not necessarily because they're lazy it's because they just don't have the experience or education or knowledge to discern, and you should have that. She that is why we try so many different things.


That is why human beings can't well, they should I mean you can travel that is why they should travel. Many people believe that their city or the way things had that transpire in their City their Town their Community is the way of the world, and it's not until they travel and go somewhere else. So they realize it's not or folks do not appreciate. Where they live there are many people that think that that the state that they live in at the country the country that they live in is inferior or it's somehow morally wrong or what have you, and that things are better other places and they believe that until they actually go out and experience.


Those other places I have been to many, many countries many continents. I've been in a Cell the country, but I've been on every ocean on planet Earth and I've been on the majority of the continents of planet Earth, and I've seen how people live and I've seen how life is in other countries and I can tell you this compared to them. The United States of America is a pretty good place to live, but I know that and I can make that comparison realistically because I have seen with my own eyes and I've experienced good bad and ugly.


Often we cheat ourselves people in our in our modern world. We deprive ourselves of experiences. We deprive ourselves with the ability to deprive ourselves of the ability. To discern between what is poor or mediocre average or high quality, and we've cheated ourselves because we don't take the time and opportunity to get the experience get the training to get the education to go out there and live life and experience different things, and then after we've done that we can come back and we can say okay.


This is probably better than that. This gear is probably you know higher quality than that gear this food and or coffee or clothing or whatever. Often times people just settle and it makes me you know, but you're a free man, you're a free woman you can do whatever you want. If you never want to leave the town in which you were born if you are perfectly free to do that. You can stay there. You can stay there are some people who never live more than you know, five miles away from the hospital that they were born in and that's fine.


You can do that. But if you do you're really shortchanging yourself, you're like that 18-year-old that has no basis for making any kind of a comparison because they don't know any better at all. So if you really want to be able to identify quality. To know what good food tastes like good coffee. Good gear, good clothing, good gravy, good grief, Charlie Brown. Get your butt out there get some experience get some education and live life. Alright, that's all I've got for you guys today. I am your host Paul Markel, and I will talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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