In this world of political correctness, censorship, and constant fear of offending, it can be extremely difficult to find some genuine wholesome family entertainment. We don’t have all of the answers, but we do have one suggestion for the upcoming Christmas season.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello, welcome back to Morning Mindset. I am still your host Paul Markel. Yes indeedy do and I'm glad that you took the time out of your day to spend just a moment a few moments maybe with me and today we're going to talk about wholesome family entertainment. Yes, and. Eat if you're about my age, or maybe even older you remember a time in the United States of America when there actually was wholesome family entertainment, entertainment for the entire family that that moms and dads and brothers and sisters could all sit down and could enjoy together, and they could enjoy it without being preached to by liberal Hollywood insiders.


They could enjoy the movie without worrying that people were going to be offended or without watching a movie that had been sterilized. Because people were going to be offended or could potentially be offended. We had to look at that movie and decide whether or not there's anyone out there in the world that might be offended by it, and if so, it has to be sterilized.


It has to be centered. No, I was raised in a country where we had good wholesome family entertainment and it wasn't sterilized and it wasn't censored because moms and dads were just expected to know what was best for their children and something that I am very very grateful that I've been able to enjoy my entire adult life and well the entire time I've been a dad.


Now the movie was out before then I'm talking about A Christmas Story. A Christmas Story with Ralphie in the BB gun Randy and you know, Mama and Papa and Mom and Dad all that, you know, the old man, you know, that's that's Darren McGavin since title in the movie. His title as "The Old Man", but A Christmas Story actually came out when I was in high school, and I didn't pay a lot of attention to it because I was 16 17 years old and and there was only a couple of things in the world that I was really concerned about at the time and Christmas movies weren't one of them but as I grew older I grew to appreciate it and I essentially memorized the whole movie know by now, but I've had I have kids that are grown and they're adults and ever since they were little kids.


We've enjoyed watching this movie together and it's very it's very gratifying to me that I was able to do that and now my children who are grown and you know, some of them have their own families they can make that part of their own Christmas tradition. Now, the reason I wanted to share this with you, I know that you guys are like, "Yeah, okay Paul, we know that the movies out there you just telling us to go watch the movie." Hmm, kind of, but there's something else. There is this place that you can go to and it's called A Christmas Story house. Now if you guys are serious hardcore cinephiles or moving Geeks, you will know that the movie A Christmas Story was filmed in two locations.


It was filmed in both Canada and in Northern, Ohio. The school scenes were filmed in Canada and the outdoor scenes the Higbie scenes the house Ralphie's house walking up and down the street in the snow and all that that was filmed in just outside of Cleveland little suburb area of Cleveland. I'm not sure what the exact area of Cleveland is, but will the house.


It went up for sale a few years ago, or I don't know almost 10 years ago by now. The house went up for sale and a guy bought it a fan of the movie bought the house and he invested his own money in restoring the house, and not only did He restored the house to what it looked like in the movie.


There's also a Christmas story gift shop and Museum right across the street and recently I just discovered that he bought the house next door, and if you guys are fans of a Christmas story, you know that the who lived in the house next door 875 smelly hound dogs the Bumpus', the Bumpus' lived next door.


That's right, and they bought the bump his house. So now they own the Christmas Story house and it's been restored to look like it would have in the late 30s early 1940s. They bought the bumpers house and the bump is the house is a guest house you can go and you can stay there very very cool. Very cool.


So this Christmas season the reason I know all about this and I can speak so highly of it is because of my family and I the very first. That they open the Christmas Story house and it's actually probably been more than 10 years now, but the very first year they opened it. We went to Cleveland and we went to the Renaissance Hotel and they had an autograph signing and pictures with many not all but many of the original cast members.


They flew in. Some of them are actually still local and some of them just flew in from California or wherever they're from to do pictures and autographs we got. For the house and a good gift bag with all kinds of memorabilia and goodies and so forth and it was a wonderful family experience. There was no Hollywood political correctness.


There was no censoring there was no worrying about who's going to be offended by this or not. It was just literally one of those things that that. I knew from my childhood and we need to find as a nation again. We really do so if I can offer you one piece of advice this coming holiday season and when my family and I went when we visit it was the Thanksgiving weekend.


I think it was the Friday after Thanksgiving that we went and we toured the house and did our little. If I can make a suggestion to you, if you are in that area of the United States of America if you were in the Cleveland, Ohio area, or if you're within driving distance, if you're within driving distance of Cleveland, Ohio, I would definitely put A Christmas Story house on your list of things to do this holiday season load the kids up in the car and drive over there, and spend the day, you know get a hotel room or what have you and I know they're actually people that actually the fly in from all over the United States just so that they can do that.


But that is my suggestion to you. It's something in this world where we have acrimony and strife and terrorism and just all kinds of there are all kinds of horrible things in the world that are constantly clamoring for our attention. Every once in a while, we need to you know, push that away and it's going to be there the problems of the world will be there when we get back but do something wholesome do something with your family and I can think of right now in the United States.


There's only there's that many things that I would say are straight-up wholesome family entertainment, and that is the Christmas story movie and A Christmas Story House and Museum and so forth. So if that is you know something you would like to do great and it's really simple their website is a Christmas story So just Google it look it, and we're going to I'm going to try and I'm obviously I'm trying to keep it positive keep it productive and the holiday season is fast approaching us.


So yes chances are that are Morning Mindsets may have something to do with the upcoming Christmas season. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that is it for today. I am your host Paul Markel. Thank you once again for joining me for Morning Mindset. I'll talk to you again real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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