Previous Episode: MM175 - Sharpen your Skills

Life is short, take the time to adds some quality to your everyday living. This is a topic that the Queenpin will definitely appreciate.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello, welcome back to Morning Mindset and thank you. Once again for joining me. Thank you to everyone who's been here for a month or two months or since the very very beginning and I also want to thank you. If you have reviewed this show on iTunes or whatever your favorite podcast player is and for those of you who have gone to and left a review of the Morning Mindset book, thank you very much.


Life is too short for bad coffee. That is one of my many mantras one of my many thoughts and life. There's a lot of things that life is too short for instance life is too short for cold french fries. I refuse to eat cold french fries if they're cold, feed them to the dog or throw them out or whatever, not going to eat them.


Bad coffee, I will not drink coffee rather than have bad coffee. There are other things in life as well but cheap beer and I know some of your other your snarling or what have you but the reason I bring that up and obviously we have that in our lives of people say life is too short for whatever fill-in-the-blank it's not anything new.


But I want you to think about this. How often do you put off quality or do you accept cheapness or inferior products in your life? How often do you accept those just as a matter of convenience?  We often will take something that we know is a substandard product. It's a cheap product. It's an inferior product but will accept it because it's convenient at the moment.


It's it's convenient. So well, I know it's not the best. I know it could be better. I know. Yeah, but it's here right now. Now obviously if you're starving you're going to take any food that someone gives you and obviously if you're dying of thirst, you're going to take any water that anyone gives you but the fact the matter is I believe that many of us shortchange ourselves or we accept inferior products.


We accept the cheap or the substandard just because it's too difficult,r it takes too much effort to demand or expect quality. Well, I know this coffee isn't that good, but it's here and it's not that expensive. So I'll just drink it the problem with accepting the substandard is that you never give yourself the opportunity to really appreciate and enjoy something that is high quality.


I'll give you an example. I've been an Outdoorsman Hunter Sportsman type person pretty much my whole life certainly my entire adult life, and when I was young, you know, when I was 16-17-18-years-old, I was happy to have a set of binoculars that just worked like just any set and back then I probably had the $20-30.


Field glasses binoculars really want to call them, and they worked and you look through them and they magnify things it makes it look closer.  and it wasn't until later on life that I actually borrowed a pair of binoculars from someone else and I look through them and the image that I was able to see was so bright and so clear and the resolution was so phenomenal really.


I was amazed it was like seeing for the first time kind of and the reason that I never experienced that was because I started out with cheap stuff and I got used to the cheap binoculars and I never realized how good they could actually be. I just thought you know, well, you know binoculars are binoculars and magnification is magnification.


We do this to ourselves we get used to. The substandard we get used to the inferior we get used to the cheap because it's convenient and then it becomes a habit and we never give ourselves the opportunity. We never take the time to enjoy something that is actually high quality. I know I've mentioned products but it's not really about products.


It's about how you live your life. Take the time. To experience some quality in your life. Yes. I understand that. Everyone has a budget. Everyone has x amount of disposable income and I'm not saying that you should put yourself in debt. So you can look through a thousand dollars set of binoculars.


But what I'm saying is have you gotten to the point where you're short-changing yourself or you're waiting. He said well, yeah now I won't, but someday in the future. I will treat myself to Quality whatever fill-in-the-blank a quality mattress equality pillow equality chair, what-have-you.


Life is too short to Short-Change yourself life is too short for Bad Coffee, cold french fries, stale beer, what-have-you. But definitely life's way too short to drink bad coffee. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that's it for today. I'm your host Paul Markel, thank you. Once again for joining me for Morning Mindset podcast, and if you enjoyed today's show or yesterday's or the day before that, please tell somebody about it recommend it to a friend. Leave us a review. Alright, I'll talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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