This advice was given to me twenty-five years ago and I have attempted to apply it as often as possible. Some people will be receptive to your help, while others will not, but the attempt is worth your effort.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Okay ladies and gentlemen, if you've been paying attention, if you've been following along, you'll know that today is number 30. That's right, it's segment #30 in our Morning Mindset book study. Yes indeed, so that means it's the last one. Yes, I understand that some months have 31 days and some have 30 and well, and we don't want to talk about February do we?


But today's it, and if you have just joined us for the very first time you can go back to the beginning. Just take today's episode and subtract 30, and begin and go one a day. Alright, and if you don't have the book, you can get that on Amazon, as a paperback or Kindle, and remember that if you are looking to help or assist someone, or maybe you have someone in your life that you really feel could benefit from the information that we provide here, and from the topics that we talk about all the time. It might be a good idea to go to Amazon, and pick up a copy of this book to gift to them. Christmas season is coming up, I would suggest that. Alright today, the topic is to succeed, help others be successful.


This advice was given to me when I was in my 20s, in my early to mid-20s. I guess is by my mid-20s or so. I shelled out the cash and I went to a Zig Ziglar motivation business seminar when I was living in Florida. Zig Ziglar, he used to do motivational chores, and he would bring professional speakers along with him and I got to sit in on one of those I went and I don't remember how many speakers there were four or five or something like that.


Of course Zig Ziglar was the big guy. He was the number one number one dude, and he has long since he's left us since but he had a lot of good advice and he inspired and motivated a lot of people in the business world and in their personal lives. One of the things that were mentioned or the concepts, it was discussed that being successful was- in order to be successful, in order to succeed, you should help others to be successful.


You might be thinking "Oh, that's kind of a common sense answer." Yeah, whatever Paul I know that sounds good or what have you, but actually if you think about it, many people become so focused, they get so focused on the end goal of success. They often, whether they feel like it or they just behave like it, they feel or behave as if anyone else achieving or being successful somehow detracts or takes away from them or their success, and it's easy to fall into that trap.


It's easy to fall into the, there's only so many dollars in the jar" or it's a finite amount of pie and, only so many people get a piece of the pie, and once the pie is gone, it's all gone. That's the way that many modern progressives. Look at our economy. They look at the economy and they say, "Well there's only so many consumer dollars to be spent, and so we have to divide those up amongst whomever." But the fact of the matter is, if you help others to be successful, you will indeed lead yourself down the road of success, and I have found, I took that advice to heart and I applied it or I attempted to apply it for years.


Wow, I was working as a professional writer and review and in addition to writing about things like we the Morning Mindset book and what have you and the previous books. I used to review a lot of products for the hunting and shooting sports and law enforcement and Outdoor World Mason. I was a cop so I did cop stuff.


I was a shooter, was a Marine, I was a hunter, I did all that stuff, and so I would encounter a lot of products. Not just guns, not just ammo, but a lot of other things from small business owners, whether it was holsters or Widgets or gadgets or whatever. One of my goals when, I would get a hold of something and, you know, someone would send me a product to test and evaluate. I was to give it a genuine, real, honest evaluation. Not just to look at it or take a picture of it or whatever but to actually take it out to the field to actually use it.


Now, not all of the products that I was given were necessarily ready for Prime-time, or were great ideas, and sometimes I would have to tell people "Hey, this is a- I see what track you're on, I dig what your squealing here, but I think you should change this, or this part needs to be improved or this part right here. This didn't work.


I tried to get this to work it didn't work and so on and so forth, and because I was trying to help them be successful, by giving them an honest review not just saying "Oh, hey Emperor, your new clothes are beautiful." I would say "Hey, you should probably change this or this didn't work" or this or this, and sometimes they would say, "Thank you. We appreciate your evaluation, we appreciate your honesty and we're going to make those improvements" or what have you.


Then other times they didn't, there were other times that my honest reviews were not appreciated. That they basically you know, what they told me in so many words was "Well, we already think this product is perfect, and we sent it to you so that you could look at it touch it and tell everyone else in the world that it's perfect too, and if you don't think it's perfect. Well, forget you buddy. We'll find someone else who will", and that's fine.


You know, maybe they did, maybe they did find someone else who thought it was a good idea, or perfect or whatever. But now the time has gone by, and you cannot see this in a short period of time, unfortunately in the world that we live in everyone is so conditioned to instant gratification, getting everything right, exactly when you want it and so forth, but you can't do that with success and you can't view success through the telescope of one day.


You can't take a look after a week or two and say "Hey, look what I've achieved. Look what they've achieved, look at the success." It takes time. Now obviously it's a journey, it's a road that you want to be on, but now that I have been, now that I'm 20-30 years down the road, and I can take a look at those companies and so forth.


I can see those that actually, you know, took my advice to heart. Or didn't or what have you. I've seen them grow, I've seen some of them come, and some of them fail. But I'm very-very, you know, there were some small companies that when I started out, were really like Mom & Pop working out of a garage or basement companies, and now five six ten years later, these companies have grown and they're not Mom & Pop working out of a basement or garage anymore.


Now, they employ they have you know, actual facilities and they employ 10-20-30. One business in particular that when I started working with them, about eight years ago, so maybe a little more nine a years ago. They had three people; the Owner, the Owner's Wife, and one other person, and that's who was working for the company. Now today there are 40 people working for that company, and it makes me makes me feel good and makes me feel gratified to see their success, and I feel proud of myself that I had faith in them and that we work together and that I did whatever was my part.


I mean, obviously they had a product and they sold it but I tried to help them succeed and it's, you know when companies are large. It's easy for large companies to think that they don't need one person to help them succeed and maybe they don't, you know Ford Motor Company or Dodge or whatever.


They don't need Paul Markel to endorse them and just help them sell cars and you know anybody will. Their cars are what have you, but sometimes you may be in a position where you can help someone to succeed. Now you maybe you know just starting out or you may you know, you may say "I'm not a boss of anything Paul now, I'm not a boss of anything. I don't have a business, I don't-" you know, you can't help others succeed. You probably can. There may be an opportunity may be far away, or may be in the very near future where you will be able to do something just a little something to help someone succeed and when you do that, you're actually helping yourself.


You're actually learning you can, you know if you work with other people, if you try and help them succeed, you're actually learning how to help yourself succeed as well. So, you know and also it helps you not to focus so much on your own small, but you know many times people cannot see the mistakes that they're making because they're too close to it.


They can't see ways for improvement because they're way too close whereas others can step in from the outside and they can see with a fresh set of eyes. Hey, Maybe if you change this and did a little this right here would be better if you like. Oh man, I never thought of that.  Often if you help other people succeed.


Maybe if you help other people find if you help them to see. You know the areas for improvement that they couldn't see because they're too close that can help you to do the exact same thing, or maybe they can help you to do the exact same thing. So. I know Zig Ziglar has gone to his great reward and many of you know his name and some of you don't and some of you are Googling it right now, but the probably the greatest piece of advice that I ever got from Zig Ziglar and it was 25 years ago.


So I guess was at if you want to succeed yourself be there and help other people to be successful, and that is the end of the Morning Mindset book study. Thank you very much for being here with me and listening and today's episode was a little bit longer, but I think you're worth it. I am your host Paul Markel, I'll talk to you again real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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