Education, Information, and Experience; how are all three valuable to you as you grow and what are the differences between them? Experience may be the best teacher, but that can definitely be the hard way of going about learning.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello and welcome back to Morning Mindset. I am your host Paul Markel and we are about to continue with our Morning Mindset book study. Morning Mindset: a 30 Day Plan for a More Positive and Productive Life, now if you just started or you've just discovered this show, and you'd like to get your hands on a copy of the Morning Mindset book, I highly suggest that you do that.


You can do it via Amazon or Kindle or if you would like a signed copy of the book a few of those are left available and go to in case you forgot there actually is a Morning Mindset website and you go there and you follow the links and you get yourself a signed copy of the book or you can get yourself an official Morning Mindset coffee mug.


Yeah, so you can drink your coffee from the official mug as you listen to the show. How cool is that? Alright, let's talk about education information and experience and how those all play into our growth as individuals. Now there are people who have said that experience is the best teacher. Yeah, I'm sure you've heard that over.


Your lifetime experience is the best teacher there's no teacher like experience and so on and so forth and that may be true but it often is the hard way to go about it. Let me give you an example. You have an automobile, you have a car and you say “I want to be an auto-mechanic”, and someone says to you “Well, you know experience is the best teacher”.


So you take a car and you pop the hood and you get underneath and you grab a bunch of tools and you just start taking the engine apart and then you try to figure out how to put it back together and that could be one way. I mean that's experience, right? So you're taking stuff apart, alright, that's your experience, and then you're trying to put it back together and it doesn't work, and so you try again and you try again and you try again and eventually you figure out, hopefully, how to put everything back together. Now you have experienced that was kind of the hard way wasn't those kind of a long way to go about you know experience is the best teacher doesn't really help you when it comes to learning the edible plants from the poisonous plants.


Edible mushrooms from poisonous toadstools. I wouldn't say that experience is the best teacher in that circumstance, because the experience you get may be dying, because you ate the bad toadstool. So instead instead of just sampling all the different types of mushrooms and toadstools, what you might want to do instead is get education.


Now education comes from whom education comes from a person who should be a subject matter expert in that field. Whatever that field happens to be. Whether it's sports or medicine or mechanics or plumbing or electronics. It's like, you know, if experience is the best teacher when it comes to being an electrician. You probably don't want to tell someone “Hey, just take a screwdriver and pliers and go over to their that box and replace the wires.”


You want to give him some education first because the experience they get might be being shocked across the room or shocked into oblivion. So you want to give them some education. Now education comes from an instructor, a teacher, a trainer, a person who has been there and done that, as in has accumulated information and experience and now they're in a position where they can disseminate it and teach it to you many people say that they're going to teach themselves to do blank. It's extremely difficult.


It's not impossible, but it's extremely difficult to teach or train yourself. Because you can't critique yourself, because when you're doing whatever it is you're doing you're not looking away, you know from the outside with another set of eyes. You're not picking up your mistakes. Often, I've been a coach for a long time, I've been a coach or trainer and instructor for a long, and I'll be working with a student and they'll be frustrated.


They're extremely frustrated over something and I walk up and I watch them and I make a simple suggestion but the suggestion that I'm making is based upon my years actually Decades of experience doing it and teaching it. So I make a simple suggestion. They apply that suggestion and Bam, the problem is fixed and they're amazed.


They're like, “I didn't even know I was having that problem, then I changed it and now I'm moving forward.” Yes, that is why education is so important. Now you say “Well, what about information? How is information different than education? Information, we can glean on our own. We can get information through reading through watching videos through listening to tutorials.


We can get information from lots of different sources, and one thing that information does is it adds to our education often times? We find ourselves we take training classes. I know I've taken, innumerable training classes over the years, and maybe it's a week-long class, or a six-month class or two-day class whatever and then afterwards I end up following up through reading or videos or you know, listening to a podcast or what have you.


We take that information and we use it to enhance our education and information also should Inspire thought it should inspire you to think and consider things in a different way, or maybe you may have been missing something you thought you were good to go. Then you read a book and you're like, oh, you know what I never thought of it that way.


Now, let's come all the way back around to experience. Now, we said experience is the best teacher but that's not necessarily the best way to teach someone how to skydive or work with electricity or figure out which toadstools are poisonous, and which mushrooms you can eat experience is a culmination or it should be a culmination of you taking your education, and what you have learned and putting it into practice, you take your education you take the information you have you take the skills that you've learned and you've been working on and you put those into practice in the real world, and then you have valuable experience, you know experience is not the best teacher when it comes to skydiving.


I don't think you want to be a self-taught skydiver, do you? I don't, I would rather have a professional instructor teach me and guide me first, then let me get some experience. I don't want to just grab a parachute and say “I know what I'm doing” and start jumping out of planes. That's it seems to be a very hazardous activity, right?


So when it comes to your growth as a person. Being productive positive having a productive life. You need to focus on education, which you get from a professional from somebody who hopefully you trust to give you good info right to teach you. Well, someone who can look from the outside and help you to learn education information is gleaned from anywhere from books from videos from podcast anywhere you can get information.


You can absorb information on your own time, that's why reading is so important and experience should be you taking the education you have received previously, the skill you've developed in the information that you've acquired, and putting those into practice in the real world. So that is the last well, it's not the last that's what does it chapter 5 in the book. I believe that's chapter 5 in the book. So education, information, and experience. They're all important and they're not necessarily the same. Thank you for joining me today. I am your host Paul Markel, and I will talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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