Today is the start of the Morning Mindset book study! You can just listen, or you can follow along with your own copy of the book, “Morning Mindset: a 30 Day Plan for a More Positive and Productive Life”.

Also, I am going to start a Morning Mindset Book Study, beginning Sept. 4th. If you would like to read/study along, Click Here and use the code MMBookStudy at checkout for 20% OFF your autographed book!

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Hello and welcome back to Morning Mindset, and we're going to begin today with chapter one of the Morning Mindset book; “Morning Mindset: a 30 Day Plan for a More Positive and Productive Life”. So beginning today, for the next 30 episodes of this show, we're going to be doing a dedicated book study and I'm very happy to be able to do that for you guys, and I hope that most of you if not all of you have taken advantage of this opportunity. That you picked up either the paperback book or you downloaded the Kindle version and put it onto your iPhone, smartphone, tablet, whatever, and the cool thing about of course that is you can hit play on your podcast, and then you can open another tab and read along.


How cool is that? That's cool. Man, we're taking advantage of modern technology here on Morning Mindset. Okay, now there may be some repetition if you've been here since episode number one, and this is actually episode number 143 already. Holy cow. Can that possibly be right? Have I come up with 143 things to talk about?


I guess I have, jeez. Alright so if there is some repetition, you're going to have to forgive me, but it is important. We need to crawl, then walk, then run. So chapter number 1 in the Morning Mindset book is simply this it's discussing the importance of mindset, and if you hear pages rustling it's because I actually have a dead tree version of the book in my hot little hands. Yes, I do, I have an actual version of the Morning Mindset book in my hands right now.


Alright, first of all, if you skip the introduction to this book go back and read it and do what I said now before we consider specific tips or techniques of how to become a more positive or productive person. We need to understand the value and the importance of mindset. Mindset is what guide you it what's guys it's actually what guides your good decisions your positive decisions, but mindset also guides your negative or self-destructive decisions, you know, people say they throw the term mindset around a lot.


Since I started doing the show, I've discovered and realized that there's a lot of other material out there, there's podcast and there's books and all that, that use the term “mindset”. Mindset, mindset, mindset. But what actually does that mean? Now a lot of folks when they say that, mindset or they consider that your mindset alone is a positive thing, right?


Well, it's not always. A person who is abusing narcotics, abusing drugs, a person who is abusing alcohol, a person who has bad or negative or self-destructive habits. The reason that they're engaging in those self-destructive activities or habits, is because they have a poor mindset. Their mindset is driving them to abuse narcotics or abused alcohol or whatever it is.


So the term mindset itself is kind of neutral it doesn't necessarily mean positive, but we want to have a positive and productive mindset. How do you think how do you react? How do you behave? You see after you've gotten out of kindergarten and elementary school and you're through Junior High. and high school.


Once you're out on your own and you no longer have teachers or coaches or instructors or even your parents standing over you telling you what you should and shouldn't do. It's up to you to make the right choices. It's up to you to do what you know needs to be done. Now we fall back on this one a lot, but it's very common in that is physical fitness or physical health or well-being or what have you the weight loss physical fitness industry in the United States of America is not a million dollar industry, it's a billion dollar industry.


Why is that? Because Americans get to the point, where they realize that they should be doing something else. They realize that they should be exercising more, they realize that they are indeed genuinely overweight, and they want to change that. They want to change their image, they want to change their, you know, their health, what-have-you. They want to look better. They want to feel better, what have you. You say “Why do you have to pay someone to do that?” Well number one, if you paid attention in school, in physical education, if you took physical education, if you took health class in squads, they even teach that anymore they teach health class anymore about hygiene and diet and so forth.


I mean we learned about all about proteins and you know fats and carbohydrates and you know, vegetables and all that stuff. We learned about that. In health class, we learned about human reproduction. We learned about personal hygiene. We learned all that stuff in school when I was in school and then in physical education or PE or gym class, we learned how to keep our bodies in shape.


Our coaches taught us how to do that. Now many of us forgot those lessons or many of us didn't take them to heart. But the fact is most of you know in your heart of hearts what you need to do, but you've either forgotten it or you disregarded it and so there you are and you want. Whatever everybody goes through soft periods in their life.


Everybody goes through periods of depression or periods of lethargy or they just get lazy or apathetic or whatever. That's cool. You know, you're not a bad person because of that, but your mindset has to be such that you realize it that you realize first. You know what I need to make a change. You know when I was in my 20s and my in my early 20s, I had a fantastic metabolism and my body could metabolize calories, like nobody's business.


I could sit down and I eat a half of a pizza and not gain a pound not even gain a half a pound because my body burned it up. Just burn it up burn it up. Burn up calories calories calories burned them up. I was skinny. I had a crazy metabolism and then somewhere in my mid-20s that all changed but in my mind I had already established the mindset or the habit of you know, when you're 18-19-20, especially when you're younger you eat whatever you want whenever you want to do it and you don't have to worry about it.


So my body had gone through a physical change, but my mindset was the same and it wasn't until I saw pictures of myself and realize damn dude. You let yourself go you let yourself go that I decided to make a real dedicated change. Now right now currently you guys should know or we have talked about it.


I'm engaged in strength training and barbell training lifting weights and so forth and I really haven't shed all that much overall weight, but I have increased my overall muscle mass dramatically because my mindset was such that I decided I was going to do it how often do people. You know, we laugh about the fitness center the gym the global gym, whatever.


On January is wall-to-wall people they're all in there with their New Year's resolutions this year. I'm going to this year. I'm going to lose weight. I'm going to get stronger. I'm going to get healthier. I'm going to I'm going to participate in a marathon. I'm going to do a triathlon going to do whatever we tell ourselves that on January 2nd and the local Globo Gym is packed full of people and then you go on February 2nd or March 2nd or April 2nd when they’re warm and everybody's outside and it's a ghost town where all those people they're not there because even though the mechanism was available to them, even though they went and they paid for a membership. They probably signed up for a one-year membership because most Global gyms won't allow you to do anything else.


They could do it. The mechanism was there the equipment was there the opportunity was there. But they're not there and why is it because their mindset first and foremost you have to steal your mind. You have to make correct decisions and you need to train yourself to do things right? Not just once in a while, but all the time, and that ladies and gentlemen is mindset that is your positive mindset. It has to come first and foremost doesn't matter how many as seen on TV perfect push-up things we order or perfect crunches or the abdom-isor or whatever Suzanne Somers and Chuck Norris want to sell us we can buy all kinds of stuff but if our mindset is not right.


Then it's pointless. It's worthless. So step number one in leading a more positive and productive life is to accept and understand that your mindset is the most important thing. It is the most important thing you can do to get your mind right to start doing positive and productive things, and this what we're doing right now is Step number one. Alright, that's it for today. I am your host Paul Markel, and I will talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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