Next Episode: MM137 - Chores First

To Tolerate or Be Tolerant is not necessarily a good or positive thing. There are many things in this world that should not be tolerated, and  the definition of Tolerate is “ to accept or endure someone or something unpleasant or disliked”.

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♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


Welcome to Morning Mindset. A daily dose of practical wit and wisdom with a professional educator & trainer, Amazon best selling author, United States Marine, Television, and Radio host, Paul G. Markel. Each episode will focus on positive and productive ways to strengthen your mindset and help you improve your relationships, career goals, and overall well-being. Please welcome your host; Paul G. Markel.

*Professor Paul*

Alright, let's go, let's get back into this. Welcome to Morning Mindset, I am your host Paul Markel, still, and this is the Morning Mindset podcast and I hope you're enjoying it. Now do not forget, or remember, that's right, we don't want to use “do not”, want to use positives. Remember that I wrote a book for you guys, and it's called Morning Mindset: a 30 Day Plan for a More Positive and Productive Life and remember that it's available as a paperback on Amazon or as a Kindle version and remember, that if you would like an autographed copy, you can go to, follow the link.


Alright, now that we're done talking about positive things, or as opposed to what you should do and what you shouldn't do, let's talk about What do we Tolerate? First and foremost, let's go ahead and examine the word “Tolerate” or tolerance in our modern, upside-down world where we are flooded with cultural Marxism, and we're trying to change the language to be politically correct.


You would think that the word tolerate, to tolerate or tolerance is a positive thing, is a good thing. “It's a productive thing, tolerance is good. We need to be tolerant.” But what does “to tolerate” mean? It means to put up with or to deal with something that is bad, that is abnormal. That for instance, we talk about a person's ability to tolerate toxins. From a medical standpoint, this person is able to tolerate certain toxins or poisons or whatever.


When you went to school, your teacher would not tolerate disruptive behavior in her or his classroom, wouldn't tolerate it. Your parents would not tolerate bad behavior, when you were in public or around other people. Would not tolerate that, tolerate means to put up with or, let's say that you have an annoying cousin or an annoying uncle or annoying relative, and you have to see them and you have to spend time with them at Christmas or Thanksgiving or family picnics or whatever, and they're very annoying and they're very coarse and abrasive but you tolerate their behavior because it's just going to be one day.


So you put up with it, alright? Tolerate does not mean to accept or to embrace or to love or to think or to change your mind. Tolerate means to put up with something that you know is wrong. It's abnormal, it's poor behavior, it's stinky, smelly, poisonous, whatever. We tolerate the taste of medicine right when you were a child.


You had to tell the rate that nasty taste of medicine because well, that's what you had to do. In order to take the medicine, he had to tolerate it. You didn't like it you had to put up with it, today in our upside down world we're taught that when we encounter things that we know, in our guts, we know that they're wrong, that they're abnormal. That the behavior of others is counter-productive, that it's actually destructive behavior.


We're supposed to tolerate it or supposed to put up with it. We're supposed to put a happy smile on our face and say “Yes, your destructive behavior is okay, and I'm not going to say anything about your bad destructive behavior because that would be intolerant and that would be bad for me, would be wrong for me to be intolerant of your destructive behavior.”


So what do we do? We allow others to continue in their counterproductive, negative, destructive ways. We allow others to continue down the path of destruction, self-destruction. Why? Because we don't want to appear intolerant. We've been told for years and years, decades even, that we must be tolerant of everyone else.


But yeah, what if what the person is doing is either destructive to them or its destructive to me? What if the behavior of others is negatively affecting our lives? Are we still supposed to tolerate that? Are we supposed to embrace it, are we supposed to put a happy smile on our face and allow the destructive behavior of others to negatively affect our lives?


What are you tolerating, are you tolerating behavior from others, that isn't just annoying? Not like the you know, the cousin or the uncle that's super annoying at the dinner table, but you put up with them because you're related to them and it's only going to be one day, so you just tolerate it. Do you have people in your life that are engaged in negative, destructive, non-productive behavior?


That non-productive destructive behavior is now bleeding over to your life and is negatively affecting your own life. Are you tolerating that? We see this all the time with drug addicts and alcoholics and people with addictive personalities. It's not just them that they're hurting, they're not just hurting themselves with their destructive behavior.


They're harming others, and when we buy into this “Thou must tolerate it all because if you don't tolerate everything that everyone does all the time, then that makes you a bad person”, what happens to your life? You have a person in your life who's engaging in destructive behavior, and it starts affecting you and your family and your life and your job, your career, whatever. Your mental stability, but you've been told that you have to be tolerant, because that's that's how we fix things in life.


Is that how we we make things that are bad better, is by tolerating them? If the building is on fire, do we tolerate the fire and just let it go until it decides to stop? Well, no, that would be stupid Paul. Because then the entire building would burn down, we'd have to do something about it. We can't just tolerate the fire but in our personal relationships, we often tolerate things that are destructive, that bring negativity into our lives because we think in order to be nice.


We've been told to be a nice person. You have to tolerate others even though that you know, their behavior is wrong and it's self-destructive. I'm here to tell you that that's Bravo Sierra, but that's Toro, and every once in awhile, you need to step back and say “What am I tolerating, and is it time for me to stop tolerating that?” and that's all I have to say about that. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being part of the Morning Mindset audience. I am your host Paul Markel, and I will talk to you again, real soon.


♫ Trenches by Pop Evil ♫


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