Season 2 Episode 49: Prioritize Your Pleasure

Well hello, hello everyone, this is Chats with Ny

Today we’re going to be discussing how to prioritize your pleasure.  Pleasure not in the sense of like a sexual nature for example but it is physical.  Knowing yourself on a deeper level.  How many of us check in with our life choices?  And of those, how many of you look at the part on how those life choices are affecting you?  So how can we know ourselves on a deeper level?  What can we do to make sure we’re being true to ourselves and can we identify the psychological patterns? That’s what we’re discussing today!

Also stay tuned, as I'll be sharing details on the first ever Chats with Ny Giveaway!!!

If you have something you’d like to share about this topic or any topic for that matter, I’d love to read your thoughts so go on and comment and use the #ChatswithNy so I can follow along.

I really hope you all enjoyed today’s topic and if you did please leave a review on iTunes so that other people can find the show.  This may just be what they need to hear today

Until next time everyone, I am your host Niomi and stay safe.  Bye!!!

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