As the first interview for the new Mormon Transitions project, I am incredibly pleased to interview my dear wife of 23 years, Margaret (Margi) Weber Dehlin. In this three-part interview, I ask Margi a series of 46 questions focusing on thee parts:

Part 1: Margi’s life as a believing Mormon.  This includes questions about how her family joined the LDS church in Washington D.C. during the 1970s, reflections on her own “conversion” to the church, Margi’s favorite parts about being a believing, active Mormon, and the most challenging parts as well. Part 2: Margi’s faith crisis and transition away from Mormon orthodoxy, including our time trying to remain LDS as semi-believers, and her experiences and reflections on my excommunication.  Topics include the impetus for Margi’s faith transition, how she/we “came out” to our children parents, extended family, etc. as unorthodox Mormons, and what the most difficult and rewarding parts of the transition were. Part 3: Margi’s life and perspective now, as a post-Mormon, including reflections on her current beliefs and non-beliefs, her approach to nurturing a healthy/happy family without religion, how she approaches raising children without the church, and why she feels as though she and our family are happier and healthier than ever before after leaving the church.