In one way or another, everyone is searching for something. Everyone is searching for the rhythms and a flow, whether that's safety, security, freedom, peace -  it varies from person to person. And oftentimes, we can become so preoccupied with trying to get into our flow and pattern of life, that we forget that life is anything but predictable. We forget that no matter how much we crave what is safe and known, we have to be willing to go deeper. Whatever that looks like for us, we have to be willing to trust that even when life doesn't look like we want it to, when we make a choice to be brave by being present in whatever season we are in, we will grow.

In Joan Didion 1968 collection of essays Slouching towards Bethlehem, she writes these words about leaving New York, and moving to Los Angeles after many years. She says,

I was very young in New York. And at some point, the golden rhythm was broken. And I am not that young anymore. The last time I was in New York was a cold January. Many of the people I used to know there had moved.

I share this bit of Didion story here because I think it is important to highlight that it is also okay, if rhythms, even the golden ones, come to an end. You are free to make peace with them. Even when you are seeing the end of them, you are free to move on even though you don't know what's ahead. There are times in life where we have to exchange golden rhythms for new ones. For some, it's leaving the city. For others, it's staying a little longer. It's hard to let go, especially when you remember what was good. Whatever letting go looks like for you right now, I just hope that you can remember that change is okay. In fact, change is more than okay. Change is an invitation, an invitation to accept that things won’t always be the same, but you can still find peace.

The future is unknown, and at the same time, you will become who you were meant to be. May each of us soften our hearts to look for moments where coming alive means going beyond what is comfortable, safe, and known. May we allow ourselves to see that when we open up to the possibility of how things could change, we will grow. May we accept change as an invitation to be challenged, to be stretched, to cultivate wisdom in these new unknowns.

Journal: What change are you willing to make today?

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