Life can be fulfilling at age sixteen and also sixty. Twenty five and thirty five. Joy is timeless. No matter what's missing, you can make the most of where you are today. Of course, you will always be able to sit and wonder about things that could have gone differently. But you can also trust in this present moment that you have not missed out on what was meant for you. I know it's hard to trust when there's so much unknown. But instead of trying to make it all make sense at once, you are free to take this experience called life - color by color, tree by tree, scent by scent, relationship by relationship. You don't have to take it all in at once. Take in the newness of it all, one moment at a time, without worrying about the moments to come. And let that be enough.

Breathe deep. And let this moment be enough. Let this be a place where you find peace. Exchange your overthinking for overwhelming peace that says I will be okay without knowing everything. I will still be worthy of love if I can't fix everything. I can still have a meaningful life if I'm not where I thought I'd be. Grace will still find me. Love will still find me. I can still have hope for tomorrow, despite my uncertainty. I will keep going anyway.

And not trying to conquer the world. But taking it day by day, hour by hour, breath by breath. Knowing that every exhale is a sign of strength. I can be okay without knowing everything. Where you are meant to be, you will be in time. You might have to say goodbye to certain people, certain things, a certain place or certain idea of how you thought things would be. But there will still be open space to welcome new beginnings. There will still be room for you to trust and believe that you'll find love and belonging. Remember the ground beneath your feet. Remember, you belong here. No one has taken your place. You are not too far from grace. Your story might be unfolding differently than how you expected it would. But you are still being directed. Where you are meant to be, you will be in time, no matter your age or stage of life.

Journal: Where is the number one place in your life where you feel like you belong?

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