Previous Episode: MBOP E09 - Jen Conde
Next Episode: MBOP E11 Dr Kylie Pitt

Penny Limbach and Kylie Roche, through Tangalooma EcoMarines, are inspiring hundreds of young people to save and protect Moreton Bay, and they're doing it with unbridled enthusiasm and hope.

Both experienced Moreton Bay for the first time as adults - they tell me how they fell in love with it, and how they created this young green family of stewards for the Bay. 

Pop on over to their website to check out all the Ecomarines programs, events and news, or find online training materials for the youngster in your life (or yourself!). Psstt - you can also support them by making a donation or even becoming a sponsor.

They're also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter

Don't forget to check out the Moreton Bay Science blog for this episode.


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